von sybilla | 30. September 2013 | Allgemein, Außen, Verhalten |
Last Friday (when else?) a catastrophe happened: Our big sliding terrace door got stuck and would not open anymore. For the cats that meant that they had to enter the house via the side window. Quite obviously too much change for some… ——– An...
von sybilla | 27. September 2013 | Außen, Herbst |
Today’s autumn issue features the various mushrooms that mysteriously pop up in our garden at this time of the year. Though I learned which wild plants are edible in order to be able to collect fresh greens for the bunnies, I would never dare collecting...
von sybilla | 26. September 2013 | Sonderausgabe |
This special issue covers a topic that was discussed in the town hall of my hometown yesterday. As thousands of abandoned and neglected cats roam our cities and countrysides, our local animal activists want the council to pass a law to enforce the neutering of cats....
von sybilla | 25. September 2013 | Außen, Herbst |
Apart from roses, hydrangea and hibiscus are very prominent in our garden. So were tomatoes this year. I will definitely not grow and plant so many next year! So have a look at flora and fauna in September. ———- Bevor es in dieser etwas...
von sybilla | 24. September 2013 | Außen, Herbst |
Let’s take an autumnal look at the „tulip patch“ and the garden. ——– So langsam wird es Herbst und damit Zeit, mal wieder einen Blick auf das berühmte Tulpenbeet zu werfen. Neue Pflanzen blühen und alte Bekannte haben ihr...
von sybilla | 23. September 2013 | Außen, Herbst, Verhalten, Wildtiere |
Of course the title „toad hunt“ turns out half as bad as it sounds. First I am hunting for baby toads and frogs that mysteriously find their way in our basement to set them free outside and then the cats hunt for the grown up variety though the amphibians...
von sybilla | 20. September 2013 | Allgemein, Gesundheit, Innen |
This issue is about fitness and how annoying little cats need to do to stay in perfect shape. Watch Mira doing her „chair workout“. ———– Kennst du diese Fitness-Videos/DVDs, mit denen man in seinen eigenen vier Wänden...
von sybilla | 18. September 2013 | Allgemein, Innen |
As I am not the world’s best housekeeper, towels and stepladders are not the only things that left are standing around. I also forgot to secure the „good“ seat cushions after some visitors left. Naturally the house cats Mira and Marvi seize the...
von sybilla | 17. September 2013 | Allgemein, Innen, Spielzeug |
Today I am late yet again as I needed to mend our cat fence as serial jail breaker Issi had found yet another way to leave her secure realm to explore the wilderness. Plus you can see a number of flashlight pictures as the cats – curious as ever – explore the towels...
von sybilla | 16. September 2013 | Allgemein, Innen |
ou may have noticed that our indoor „sofa“ happens to look exactly like out outdoor furniture, as we actually use the outdoor stuff indoors (great teflon finish keeps the dirt the cats drag in at bay). As we decided to grow up, my husband introduced a new...