Teil 302 – Geduld

Teil 302 – Geduld

Our record number of new molehills that appeared over night stands at 35. When one of our suppliers noticed the many molehills we used to have before we moved in, he said that he had no more moles since he had his cat. His dog had been totally useless as a mole...
Teil 299 – Islay!

Teil 299 – Islay!

Have I told you that I wanted to prevent Islay and Ice-B form chasing the girls? My idea was simple: Whenever I call them and they come to me they will get a treat. As cats are pretty fast learners when something is to their advantatge my „trick“ worked in...
Teil 298 – Frühlingsgarten II

Teil 298 – Frühlingsgarten II

Before all the spring flowers are withered, let’s finish with our garden tour. Particularly beautiful this year is our beauty bush (Kolkwitzia amabilis) and the columbines. I am also looking forward to them fresh herbs and strawberries and we even got some almonds...
Teil 297 – Fetz!

Teil 297 – Fetz!

One of the meanings of the German word “Fetzen” is shred. So when you are “at it hammer and tongs” in German people quarrel “dass die Fetzen fliegen” (until shreds are flying). In the following picture story you can take this literally. The main characters of this...
Teil 296 – Frühlingsgarten I

Teil 296 – Frühlingsgarten I

Let’s go on our usual garden tour! As I have already sent you a photo of the mayfly here is another herald of spring – lilys of the valley. The rather artistic photo above happened by accident while I fiddled with the knobs on my camera. You will find the...
Special: Katerstrophe

Special: Katerstrophe

At the moment things come thick and fast again. Originally, I had planned to take you to our customary stroll through the spring garden but this weekend Jaspar kept us on our toes – and so far we have not been able to fix his current problem. There is no denying:...
Special: Happy Birthday!

Special: Happy Birthday!

As you know, Mira’s und Marvi’s birthday was set to April, 30th while we know for certain that the Is were born on May, 1st. As there is no Katzenparade on public holidays I would like to use this issue to congratulate the MI5. Our youngsters are now three...