von sybilla | 30. Juli 2014 | Außen, Sommer |
We have a lot of violent weather this year. Yesterday for example another thunderstorm with torrential rain kept us on our toes. In contrast to that Sunday was peaceful and the garden looked positively arcadian. Do you notice the subtle changes of light and shade (and...
von sybilla | 28. Juli 2014 | Allgemein, Sonderausgabe |
This week starts well – with the 350th issue of Katzenparade! As it is now the tradition I have portraits of the team for you today. Apart from that I want to bore you with a few statistics: Did you know that there are actually more than 350 issues (not all are...
von sybilla | 25. Juli 2014 | Gesundheit, Verhalten |
A week has passed since I started my anti-flea campaign. So far I am very happy with the results: After vacuuming I sprayed everything that cannot be washed with AkaFree – the rugs, sofas, doormats, Jaspar’s apartment and Maxine’s cushion plus the...
von sybilla | 24. Juli 2014 | Ausstattung, Verhalten |
With the news about the uric acid attack on Tuesday I had my coming out. Most cat owners are too ashamed to admit that their cats are having – let’s call them – behavioural problems. The talk I had with Hanna, aka Mrs Franz L. Lauter and long-term...
von sybilla | 23. Juli 2014 | Allgemein, Außen, Sommer, Verhalten |
I think these pictures speak for themselves. ——— Ich glaube, diese Bilder sprechen für sich. Bis morgen! Sybilla ice-b_islay_2014_07_look2 jaspar_2014_07_parapet1 jaspar_2014_07_parapet2 jaspar_2014_07_parapet5...
von sybilla | 22. Juli 2014 | Sonderausgabe, Verhalten |
Breaking news: World famous painting victim of acid attack! As was announced yesterday, the painting „The philosopher“ by Franz L. Lauter has been attacked by uric acid. The assault happened a few days ago but the authorities had ordered a news embargo....
von sybilla | 21. Juli 2014 | Außen, Sommer |
Initially, I had planned something different for today. But as it is raining non-stop again after our mini heat wave, I thought you may like to see some brilliant flowers, glaring sunshine and some „hot“ cats. ——— Auch auf die Gefahr hin,...
von sybilla | 18. Juli 2014 | Außen, Sommer |
Do you know what you will do over the weekend? After all that cleaning we did the last couple of days and the prospect of brilliant summer weather, I will try to chill on our patio as much as possible. We finally got the parasol up, cleaned the furniture (again) and I...
von sybilla | 17. Juli 2014 | Gesundheit, Verhalten |
Two days without a new katzenparade. What happened? Don’t worry, all is well and the team is enjoying a current heat wave. But we have fleas. When I was at the vet with Joschi, a flea jumped onto her white coat. Thankfully we could not find any flee faeces which...
von sybilla | 14. Juli 2014 | Gesundheit, Sonderausgabe, Verhalten |
The strategy is from my friend Steed, the long ball was provided by the Saturday edition of our newspaper and you have to decide whether this issue found the back of the net. Actually, the cats are not really interested in football. The ball itself is way too big and...