von sybilla | 8. August 2014 | Sonderausgabe, Tierschutz |
Dear dog owners, Today you have to be really brave as it is world cat day! We cat owners are of course convinced that our pets are the most intelligent ones around and there are numerous tests to find out which species is smarter than the other. The problem is that...
von sybilla | 7. August 2014 | Außen, Sommer, Verhalten |
I am no expert in the various characteristics of the felidae subfamilies so you have to correct me if I am wrong but to my knowledge only lions hunt in a packs. Normally cats are hunting alone and use stalking and hiding to catch their prey. But not in our household!...
von sybilla | 6. August 2014 | Innen |
The month of July has been the wettest since the beginning of weather recordings in Germany. To mark this occasion you can witness yet another picture story featuring cats and water. While Jaspar seems to contemplate a future as gargoyle, Mira has found a new place...
von sybilla | 4. August 2014 | Außen, Sommer, Verhalten |
The ivy is probably the cats‘ second favourite plant in our garden (number one is of course the catnip). The mice, toads and frogs hide there. Something always rustles there, even if it is only a big bug. The dense ivy that has a firm grip on our fence in the...
von sybilla | 1. August 2014 | Außen, Sommer |
This week has been so busy that I was forced to neglect the Katzenparade and you, dear readers. My apologies! The German text deals with a possibility to save animals from Southern or Eastern Europe when flying on holidays. You probably know how many stray dogs and...