Teil 401 – Kratzduell

Teil 401 – Kratzduell

In our household the life expectancy of a piece of cat-on scratch furniture is a little over three months. I liked the first model „La Ola“ a lot but the next we tried was too small (in my opinion). So I ordered my favourite and two different, rather low...
Die 400. Katzenparade

Die 400. Katzenparade

What haven’t you all seen in the jubilee editions: Funny positions, the cats of fellow readers, typical poses, joy of living, best mates, roses, the most memorable issue, a health bulletin, three-legged wonder cats, statistics and an abundance of team portraits....
Teil 399 – Am Fenster

Teil 399 – Am Fenster

If the cats had their way they would want all be able to come and go as they please on both sides of the house. The mere thought makes me dizzy! They would chase right through the house and their „presents“ aka mice would no doubt be deposited right on the...
Teil 396 – Schöne Aussichten

Teil 396 – Schöne Aussichten

Sometimes the mountain or the tree calls and a cat just has to follow. While others gaze longingly at the peak and have to give up halfway, the successful tree climber is rewarded with breath-taking vistas over his realm. (The descent is less elegant but what the...
Teil 394 – Sommer im Oktober

Teil 394 – Sommer im Oktober

The staghorn sumac is a native to eastern North America (as some of you will of course know because you see it every day) but is grown in temperate climes all around the world because of its beautiful autumn colouring. My apologies for pestering you again with our...
Teil 393 – Was raschelt da?

Teil 393 – Was raschelt da?

Today I have another picture story for you. Remember that I told you that the Is hunt as a pack? Today you can see that Issi spots something in the ivy and within seconds her brothers get wind of it and Islay takes over. So much brute force is too much for Issi and...