Teil 391 – Der Herbst trägt Rot

Teil 391 – Der Herbst trägt Rot

Autumn wears red – and orange and pink and white and magenta and blue and … The wonderful weather brings out the autumsn shades in our trees and bushes while some of the summer flowers are still in bloom, too. This makes for some amazing combinations. So...
Teil 390 – Schlaraffenland

Teil 390 – Schlaraffenland

Maybe I am totally wrong. But when I roam around the bunny meadow in the morning I see such an abundance of tasty herbs that I cannot help thinking that at least the little herbivores live in a modern day Cockaigne. Wherever they go, everything is edible, even the...
Teil 387 – BVB

Teil 387 – BVB

Our bench is not only frequented by cats and humans. Look what I found on Saturday: It is the caterpillar of the Pale Tussock, a moth, which explains why I have not seen the adult form (or the imago as it is scientifically called) before. When looking it up I found...
Sonderausgabe: Time to Say Goodbye

Sonderausgabe: Time to Say Goodbye

The Katzenparade team mourns the death of their pal Luther. A terrible gastric tumor had made his life a misery and caused him so much pain that there was nothing left for Alexander and Susette to do but to help him cross the rainbow bridge. Now he can eat everything...
Teil 385 – Das Experiment

Teil 385 – Das Experiment

Would I leave for a long weekend without a new issue for you to read on Friday? Never! So here we go: Do you remember issue 348 where I confessed that Mira is marking her „territory“ aka the inside of the house? You will also recall that I got her (and...
Teil 384 – Gefährliches Gras

Teil 384 – Gefährliches Gras

No, this is not déjà vu this is just plain unbelievable, like winning the lottery three times in a row – only in a negative way. After decades of cats where I have never had any problems with stray gras stems, we have now had this problem for the third time....