von sybilla | 30. Januar 2015 | Verhalten |
Sometimes judges have to decide on really bizarre matters. Our newspaper reported on the following case this week: A housing company wanted to introduce the mandatory use of leashes for cats(!) and force a tennant to leash her cat when letting it outside. They...
von sybilla | 29. Januar 2015 | Außen |
As the snow was melting on Sunday the Norwegians lost interest in running around. They did not want to get their feet wet and were just plain bored. You can also witness how unsuccessful my education has proven to be – even with me standing close by Ice-B has no...
von sybilla | 28. Januar 2015 | Außen |
Dear New Englanders, in contrast to the New Yorker drama queens you know how to deal with a blizzard and I hope „Juno“ did not hit you too hard. In any case you will most certainly have a good laugh (again) at the pathetic bits of snow we had last weekend....
von sybilla | 23. Januar 2015 | Verhalten |
Somehow the topic cat teritories has emerged by itself during this week. So we might as well finish with it. This Friday issue was triggered by an email from Birgit, „my“ expert for cat behavious. She drew my attention to a TV programme about GPS tracking...
von sybilla | 22. Januar 2015 | Verhalten |
In a way this issue is about cat territories as well. But this time we take a different point of view – mine! Even though Ginger is as fit as a fiddle the cold temperatures are not good for his old joints. So he never stays outside for long which really drives...
von sybilla | 21. Januar 2015 | Verhalten |
Today I have another picture story for you. The main characters are Jaspar and Merkel. As mentioned before, cats have a different concept regarding their territory than e.g. dogs. The same area can accomodate multiple cats and their sense of time allows them to avoid...
von sybilla | 19. Januar 2015 | Außen, Verhalten |
When it is muddy and wet the cats prefer taking their breaks on something dry – the window sills, the lamps, the bench, and of course the covered up barbecue. It is quite rare though that this nice vantage point is used by more than one cat at the time. So...
von sybilla | 16. Januar 2015 | Allgemein, Verhalten |
I don’t know what happened but someone put Maxine off the shed. Maybe one of the doppelgangers sleeps in it now? After an allmighty row (I came too late to find out who the other participant was) that also got poor Maxine a cauliflower ear, she has been avoiding...
von sybilla | 15. Januar 2015 | Allgemein, Gesundheit |
As it is the season I want to draw your attention to the winter coats of the team today. While Marvi’s fur seems to stay as sleek and thin as usual, Mira’s and Ginger’s pelt has become thicker and denser. Particularly Mira’s is looking more and...
von sybilla | 14. Januar 2015 | Allgemein, Winter |
How did your week start? As you might have guessed mine started stressful. After a weekend spent as a silent movie star, Mira is fighting fit again – and you can take that literally. She had her last vet appointment on Monday – a day better avoided as the...