Teil 448 – Atemlos

Teil 448 – Atemlos

I hope you had a great weekend! As you have noticed there was no Katzenparade on Thursday and Friday. This time it was due to our bunny Strizz. He has problems breathing and an x-ray revealed that there is lump in his lungs that should not be there. On the chance that...
Teil 447 – Die Vögel

Teil 447 – Die Vögel

Admit it, you did think about Hitchcock’s classic and flocks of seagulls and ravens, didn’t you? So when you are expecting masses of dark feathered birds I have to disappoint you. Firstly, I can only offer crows and secondly – and to my surprise...
Teil 446 – Frühling?!

Teil 446 – Frühling?!

Can cranes be wrong? The best husband of all was certain that he observed cranes flying north the week before last but unfortunately he did not have a camera with him. Last Friday I was luckier. I caught them late afternoon when they were using the up wind on the hill...
Teil 444 – Weiberfasnacht

Teil 444 – Weiberfasnacht

I had to google why today is called Fat Thursday – apparently the last Thursday before Lent is a day of indulgence into special sweet treats before Lent, the time of fasting. In the German regions where carnival is celebrated this Thursday is the day where the...
Teil 443 – Ein Evergreen oder zwei

Teil 443 – Ein Evergreen oder zwei

Apart from a lot of rain this winter has been kind to us here in the west of Germany. Everything else has come in moderation – we had a little snow, a little frost and a little sunshine. Let’s hope it stays like this and we can see the first snow drops and...
Teil 442 – Let’s get vertical!

Teil 442 – Let’s get vertical!

Today I have an Ice-B special for you. He will demonstrate how to get vertical. For this he will climb our purple-leaf plum first, then he will try his best to look sweet and then he will carefully prepare his descent. I know, I know! Yet another tree issue, I hear...
Teil 441 – Im Falle eines Falles

Teil 441 – Im Falle eines Falles

Apart from the best husband of all we are fit again! But last weekend’s adventure made me think. While meeting with unknown vets at ungodly hours you get talking and quite often I hear the complaint that a lot people have difficulties judging the health status...
Teil 440 – 30 Prozent Mira

Teil 440 – 30 Prozent Mira

The time was ripe – on Sunday I had to visit the emergency vet with Mira. It started on Saturday with a lack of appetite and she was disturbingly well behaved. She spent the whole afternoon on her window cushion in the office. Later she came downstairs to lie...