Teil 465 – Im Zeitraffer

Teil 465 – Im Zeitraffer

This April ends with a negative record: Never have I published so few Katzenparade issues! What happened? First the best husband of all, then me and then Strizz got ill. Then there was a constant coming and going of technical problems and last but not least I had...
Exklusiv: Die Society-Hochzeit des Jahres

Exklusiv: Die Society-Hochzeit des Jahres

It had been an open secret that society lady Lilly vom Struckmannsberg was looking for a new partner. Rumour had it that the wealthy widow had already turned down some candidates due to insufficient means. But last Saturday it finally happened: Lilly moved in with her...
Teil 462 – Pretty in Pink

Teil 462 – Pretty in Pink

Sorry! I am still suffering from the aftermath of my computer melt-down. A couple of projects needed urgent attention and – more importantly – I have found Lilly a new home! (I will keep you posted on that in detail shortly.) So there was just enough time...
Special: Happy Easter 2015

Special: Happy Easter 2015

A Katzenparade on a holiday? Whatever next! I had contemplated not doing a special Easter edition as Strizz is still sorely missed – particularly by his partner Lilly. But Lilly put such a cute show on for me, I need to share this with you. Happy Easter...