Die 475. Katzenparade

Die 475. Katzenparade

After all these birthdays yet another special edition. So what can I show you after you have all seen most of the team up close and personal just a few issues ago? How about a few snapshots of those rare cat moments – like the whole house team having breakfast...
Teil 474 – Joschi, 10 Jahre

Teil 474 – Joschi, 10 Jahre

On Friday we became victims of innovation. In the quest to anchor our little town firmly in the 21st century Deutsche Telekom is spreading their fibre-optic network. So a lot of servers need to be switched and distribution boxes to be changed. Unfortunately an...
Teil 472 – … so nicht!

Teil 472 – … so nicht!

In the concluding part of our picture story Joschi will show you what to avoid when trying to jump on the back of a chair. I think he was ambarrassed that he had made a complete pig’s breakfast of this, what do you think? ————– Im...
Teil 471 – So geht’s…

Teil 471 – So geht’s…

Today I have a the first part of a picture story for you. In this issue Islay will show you how to jump on a rickety chair while… – but find out yourself tomorrow! ————– Heute habe ich den ersten Teil einer Bildergeschichte...
Teil 470 – Oh, ein Tisch!

Teil 470 – Oh, ein Tisch!

Unfortunately the English version of the well-known proverb „When the cat’s away, the mice will play.“ does not mention tables like the German version where the „mice are dancing on the table“. In our case, it’s the cat that dances...
Teil 469 – Alles neu macht der Mai

Teil 469 – Alles neu macht der Mai

As planned we launched our counter attack against the loud music of the young day trippers on May 1st by blasting our terrace with the pressure cleaner. Once the one professional mobile disco was chased away by police it was actually not as bad as in recent years...
Teil 466 – FS 2015

Teil 466 – FS 2015

This time Issi has been the reason for the lack of issues. She was feeling poorly and looked sort of transparent like a little ghost. We still have no idea what was wrong but she is fighting fit again. So time to finally tell you what else happened last week – a...