Teil 507b – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 507b – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Thank you for participating! Karl-Theodor was closest. Only the downstairs left one has an occupant: Jaspar! But have you noticed? I turned the right one around. It is now inhabited by Maxine – just not at the moment I took the picture. Have a nice evening!...
Teil 507a – Montagsrätsel

Teil 507a – Montagsrätsel

How about a little riddle to start the week off? Have a look at the above picture. Is none, one or are both of the cat houses occupied? The solution will follow this evening. 🙂 ————– Wie wäre es mit einem kleinen Rätsel zum Wochenstart?...
Sonderausgabe: Traurige Nachrichten

Sonderausgabe: Traurige Nachrichten

I have sad news for you today. The team and I mourn the death of our dear friend Medi. Yesterday, Alexander and Susette could not bear her suffering any longer and helped her crossing the rainbow bridge. She is now with her old pal Luther who will be glad to have his...