Teil 552 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 552 – Montagsrätsel

Good morning! Today is a special day. Not only is it the 29th of February, something that only occurs every 4 years but it is also the start of the meterological spring. Not that we had any winter to speak of and if not something really drastic happens this will be...
Teil 551 – Im Märchenwald II

Teil 551 – Im Märchenwald II

After you have met my favourite tree and deadwood in the first part, you can watch Jaspar and me exploring the living organisms today. First we found some rather interesting animal dens in the hollows left by uprooted trees but Jaspar refused to explore them. So I...
Teil 550 – Wasser marsch!

Teil 550 – Wasser marsch!

This year I had no reason yet to use the water hose that sits at the east of our house. Now I had to clean a tool and as usual a little runlet formed and the water followed the joints between our outdoor tiles. While Isfrid was only mildly interested Sander and...
Teil 545 – Katzenklo, Katzenklo

Teil 545 – Katzenklo, Katzenklo

Today we are not talking about litter boxes of the indoor variety but about a certain connected cat behaviour. Why cats bury their faeces is not totally clear. The most common explanation is that they do not want to make their prey aware of their presence. An opinion...
Teil 543 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 543 – Montagsrätsel

Good Monday! Today Sander is showing you how an adult cat would approach an enemy – turning broadside, back arched, hair standing on end and tail fluffed. If this were serious he would also have his head slightly lowered and his ears set back. Here it is all...