Teil 541 – Katzenballett

Teil 541 – Katzenballett

I still have so many images of running, jumping and frolicking cats that I have to share at least some with you. I thought I arrange them like a ballett class. Though I am not sure what the ballett equivalent of a gallop is. 😉 ————– Ich...
Teil 538 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 538 – Montagsrätsel

This riddle is as easy as it is late. And therefore you don’t have multiple choices but have to tell me. Question: Who is Isfrid hissing at? See you tomorrow! ————– Das heutige Rätsel ist ebenso leicht wie spät und deshalb habt ihr...
Teil 537 – Kletterlorbeeren

Teil 537 – Kletterlorbeeren

The evergreen cherry laurel at the bottom of the garden is a favourite of the cats. It is dense, dark and mysterious. (When Mrs. Peels is crawling around in it she always calls out loud to stay in contact – like a human whisteling in the dark…) Furthermore...
Teil 534 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 534 – Montagsrätsel

Where are the almond trees already blooming? What do you think? Mallorca, Tenerife, Sicily or right here? This is of course not the real Monday Morning Riddle, the real one is about the following picture and furball Islay: Question: What is Islay doing? a) He is...