Teil 557 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 557 – Montagsrätsel

Good Monday! I have so many photos of the cats chasing each other that I thought I turn one series into a quest for you. What started with Islay chasing Sander turned into a race. What do you think? Who wins? a) Sander, he can defend his lead until the end. b) Islay,...
Special: 555. Katzenparade

Special: 555. Katzenparade

Instead of a special edition at 550 I want to celebrate the 555th issue with you instead. Isn’t that number ever so fetching? I have loads of portraits for you today that also show each cat in a typical state. Joschi’s wide-eyed astonished look has become...
Teil 554 – Wärmequellen

Teil 554 – Wärmequellen

That was to be expected, just when the metereological spring has started the weather turns winterly. Time to find a nice warm spot! As you can see „enjoying some warmth on some stones“ can mean something totally different depending on the cat. While Sander...