von sybilla | 29. April 2016 | Außen, Frühling, Naturschutz, Wildtiere |
This last issue of the month will not feature any cats. So if you were looking for kitty pics you are wasting your time. We are talking birds today. First I promised you an update on „my“ woodpigeon. On closer inspection the injuries sustained to the beek,...
von sybilla | 28. April 2016 | Innen |
Would you believe it after what you have seen yesterday, that Sander does in fact need a lot of persuasion to go outside? Once he is out in the garden, everything is fine. Sometimes he is even one of the last ones to come back in again but stepping over that threshold...
von sybilla | 27. April 2016 | Außen, Frühling |
Last week Sander was feeling his oats. I could barely follow him with the camera so fast was he up and down the trees. He started with the little maple in the pond, then he dashed up the magnolia, only to be down in a second and up the blood plum. There he stayed for...
von sybilla | 26. April 2016 | Montagsrätsel |
Well done, cat experts Ruth, Micki and Martin! You got it right, the answer is c). Martin even got the cats as there is Joschi at the right, whose fair fur is really obvious, left to him is Islay, who is lying next to the catnip as per usual and Marvi’s head is...
von sybilla | 25. April 2016 | Montagsrätsel, Wildtiere |
In case you have asked yourselves why there were no issues on Thursday and Friday, the answer is I have been busy saving a woodpigeon. As mentioned before, our windows are far more dangerous to birds than all cats combined. So when I heard a really loud thud on...
von sybilla | 20. April 2016 | Verhalten |
Our raiding squad consists of only one party: Islay. The German term refers to the fact that Islay loves to come from behind, jumps at his victim head first and does a forward roll over it. My hopes that Sander would turn into a magnificient sparring partner for our...
von sybilla | 19. April 2016 | Montagsrätsel, Verhalten |
Congrats Micki, Susette, Tamara and Ruth! You all got it right! But for the first time, there is more than one correct answer. As you can see above, the first and best answer is c). Sander is looking up to Isfrid who is already high up in the tree. He does also...
von sybilla | 18. April 2016 | Montagsrätsel, Verhalten |
Better get a move on! This is definitely no Monday Morning Riddle anymore – not even in LA. So let’s get to the point quick and back to simple guessing. 😉 What do you think Sander is doing? a) He is watching a bird. b) He is contemplating whether to climp...
von sybilla | 15. April 2016 | Außen, Frühling |
The tulip patch never ceases to surprise us. This year we are staring in amazement at all those white and light yellow flowers. Did we really plant those? I could have sworn that we had loads of different colours. Maybe later? Never mind, the cats and I enjoy the...
von sybilla | 14. April 2016 | Außen, Ausstattung, Spielzeug |
Actually, I had planned to walk through the spring garden with you, but I had no time preping all the photos yet as Issi kept us on our toes. As no cat had shown any interest in exploring the other side of the fence for quite some time we got a little careless. But...