Teil 571 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 571 – Montagsrätsel

Brrr! What a week we had after that first spring weekend – single digit temperatures every day. But since Saturday things are improving and new blooms appear nearly every day. But before I show you a garden in bloom not to mention the infamous tulip patch, it is...
Teil 570 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 570 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

See? I told you this riddle was easy. Tamara, Karl-Theodor and Antje got it right and Susette not only detected the cats but explained it perfectly: Mrs. Peel is hiding in the bottom left corner and Islay’s left ear can be seen on the right of the fig tree. So...
Teil 568 – Wunderdroge

Teil 568 – Wunderdroge

I should never promise to be back on a given day. This seems to be the guarantee for not making it! My apologies! But let’s not beat about the bush, because I have something really exciting to tell you today! During our „bunny period“ I had to learn...