von sybilla | 30. Mai 2016 | Gesundheit, Montagsrätsel |
As you know the team consists of some really slim and some quite substantial members. To make sure that the thin ones don’t get thinner and the portly ones don’t gain even more weight, we weigh the cats every month. Naturally there exists an Excel sheet...
von sybilla | 25. Mai 2016 | Außen |
Dear Ruth, this issue is for you. Too long ago, when we were talking about watering the back of the garden you told me about a special garden hose you had seen on a shopping channel. The hose looks all small and crinkly without water but magically unfolds to double...
von sybilla | 24. Mai 2016 | Montagsrätsel, Verhalten |
Who would have thought that she is actually sitting on a mousehole (answer c)!?! And as you can see below she even goes further and lies down over it. Well guessed, Susette! Thank you for your confidence in my artistic abilities, Sonia, but it is totally unfounded....
von sybilla | 23. Mai 2016 | Montagsrätsel, Verhalten |
This Monday you can give your eagle eyes a rest and all you need to do is guess. Question: What is Isfrid doing at the little stone wall? a) She is just taking a break in the shade. b) She is hiding from Islay. c) She is sitting on a mousehole. d) She is using the...
von sybilla | 20. Mai 2016 | Tierschutz, Verhalten |
More than a year ago I published a newsflash with the first proper picture of our dinner guest. Since then Kater has become a more or less regular feature of the front garden. He is still sporting scars but the quality of his fur has considerably improved. As Jaspar...
von sybilla | 19. Mai 2016 | Sonderausgabe |
This is the last birthday special, promised! Jaspar was probably an autumn kitten and I have no clue when Maxine was born, the only one we still have to congratulate is Joschi who turned 11 this month. Looking at him it feels really odd that he is now our senior. He...
von sybilla | 12. Mai 2016 | Montagsrätsel, Verhalten |
All your correct answers stunned me into silence… 😉 Sorry for my late reply but Sonia, Tamara, Micki, Martin, Karl-Theodor and Ruth already gave you the correct answer: b) Yes, Islay is hiding there. Congratulations to you all! As you can see above, I caught him...
von sybilla | 9. Mai 2016 | Montagsrätsel, Verhalten |
Todays riddle is as short as it is late. On the picture above you can see the little cat hut we have in the back garden. Question: Is there anybody in the downstairs „room“? a) No, the hut is empty. b) Yes, Islay is hiding there. c) Yes, Mrs. Peel is...
von sybilla | 4. Mai 2016 | Sonderausgabe |
Be warned, this will be the longest issue ever! As difficult as it was for me to let the rest of the kittens go, by being able to chose the new parents for them myself, I have had the privilege to meet and/or get to know some wonderful people. So instead of...
von sybilla | 3. Mai 2016 | Sonderausgabe |
Today’s issue is reserved for Isfrid and Islay who turned 5 on Sunday. I cannot stop repeating that it is beyond me how anybody could keep Norwegian Forest Cats strictly indoors. Admittedly, Islay is huge and naturally he needs loads of space to stretch his legs...