von sybilla | 30. Juni 2016 | Allgemein, Gesundheit |
Are you ready for your summer holidays yet? If not, you better hurry and start now to achieve that elusive bikini / speedo body! I have some hot tips from the extended team for all skill and age levels for you! Today we will start with the beginners while Sander will...
von sybilla | 29. Juni 2016 | Montagsrätsel |
Sometimes the most obvious solution is the right one – meaning d) our mobster Islay came running, claimed the bench for himself and Isfrid cautiously retreated. So congrats, Sabine! You nailed it! (Susette, maybe you did, too, and I just misinterpreted your...
von sybilla | 27. Juni 2016 | Montagsrätsel |
Hopefully you will find the answer to today’s riddle in no time! As you can see Isfrid is sitting on the bench when she spots somebody approaching. Question: Who is approaching the bench? a) The best husband of all b) Sander with Mrs. Peel in hot pursuit c)...
von sybilla | 26. Juni 2016 | Ausstattung, Montagsrätsel |
I don’t believe it! The world is in turmoil: No time to post the answer to the riddle but on the SUNDAY before the next riddle is due and not only does most of the UK want to leave the EU, for the first time ever nobody got last Monday’s Morning Riddle...
von sybilla | 20. Juni 2016 | Ausstattung, Montagsrätsel |
I am sorry that I can only find time for the Monday Morning Riddle at the moment! We have had to cope with some quite serious health scares last week. None involving the best husdand of all and myself but nevertheless very worrying. One case still is Kater who...
von sybilla | 16. Juni 2016 | Montagsrätsel, Verhalten |
My goodness! I cannot fool you any longer, can I? Well done, Susette, Karl-Theodor, Sonia, Micki and Ruth! The correct answer is b). Mira loves to “hunt” in the light shaft, if only for bugs, while the others keenly observe from above. Though not everybody goes to...
von sybilla | 13. Juni 2016 | Gesundheit, Montagsrätsel |
The big light shaft that separates the house from the terrace is always of interest to the cats. They love to look down and check whether there is anything going on. To go into or out of the house, all the other cats either jump over the grids or use the area where...
von sybilla | 10. Juni 2016 | Sonderausgabe |
Lilly and Mümmel? It has gone awfully quiet around the hottest society couple of 2015 – Lilly vom Struckmannsberg and Mümmel von Fechte zu Alsbach. Why did they disappear from the news? Our reporter has done some investigating and found out that the pair was...
von sybilla | 9. Juni 2016 | Ausstattung, Verhalten |
Who would not remember beautiful and gentle Casius who after finally winning Medi’s heart lost her forever in December last. He longed company so much that Susette and Alexander did not wait long to introduce 2-year-old Chai into the household. At first it...
von sybilla | 8. Juni 2016 | Außen, Verhalten |
This issue has not politcal content whatsoever and it certainly does not relate to certain discussions that are currently in the news. Quite the contrary, I have been trying to start my little „catching-up“ series for weeks but other topics intervened....