Teil 621 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 621 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Micki, you are amazing! Maybe cats are not so different from dogs after all? Answer c) is correct. Islay – ever the playful – is inviting Marvi to a friendly banter (hence no laid-back ears) but Marvi is not amused. Maybe it was too hot for her? Anyway,...
Teil 620 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 620 – Montagsrätsel

Welcome to the Monday Evening Riddle! Today’s question is for the cat experts and all those who thrive to become one. As it has been rather hot the last weeks, cool places are in high demand. Joschi and Islay found themselves a nice spot in the shadows on the...
Teil 619 – Hart im Nehmen

Teil 619 – Hart im Nehmen

What is better for a cat? Living securely indoors, well taken cared of by loving humans or following the call of the wild and living a free but dangerous life outside? As you know I am trying to find something inbetweens by offering the cats a secure garden. But for...
Teil 618 – Al fresco

Teil 618 – Al fresco

When we had a water emergency in the kitchen a couple of weeks ago, I carried the cats outside onto the terrace for their breakfast kibbles. The little creatures of habit found this very unusual but quite interesting. As you can see in the pictures this turned into a...
Teil 616 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 616 – Montagsrätsel

isfrid_2016_06_run1 isfrid_2016_06_run2 isfrid_2016_06_run3 isfrid_2016_06_run4 isfrid_2016_06_run5 Not that Isfrid will run around like this today as it is way too hot but when she did run happily towards me she was stopped in her tracks by something/someone she saw....
Teil 615 – Der Garten im Juni

Teil 615 – Der Garten im Juni

In June I had to stock up on new potted plants as some old favourites did not make it through the winter. I do love hibiscus (hibiscus rosa-sinensis) so much but I have to face facts. They will not survive a winter in the shed. (I would have bet that the bougainvillea...
Teil 614 – Der Garten im Mai

Teil 614 – Der Garten im Mai

This spring and summer I have really neglected the garden. So many flowers that enjoyed us are already gone – good that I took pictures! The mild winter, the following heat and all that rain had a strange effect on the different plants. While for the first time...
Teil 612 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 612 – Montagsrätsel

Dear readers of the English language version, you are at a disadvantage today as I did not inlcude the Facebook link that was to explain my Thursday activity in your blog on Friday. So you either have to check it out now or try answering the question all on your own....