Teil 634 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 634 – Montagsrätsel

Before it is too late a very hot (outdoor temperature) Monday Morning Riddle. The photo above shows Isfrid on her usual round plodding through the yet cool gras. In the background you can see Mrs. Peel on the right and Sander on the left. Question: Are there any more...
Teil 633 – Der Schuhfetischist

Teil 633 – Der Schuhfetischist

Not only dogs like shoes. Islay adores them! He simply cannot get enough of the smell (like Otto in „A Fish Called Wanda“ – who remembers?) and he loves to scratch them inside and out. (He particularly likes to use the insoles as scratching boards.)...
Teil 632 – Der Garten im Juli II

Teil 632 – Der Garten im Juli II

Yesterday you could see the plants and flowers at the beginning of July, today we are at the end of the month. Another winner of the last mild winter are the beeches. The trees are brown with beech nuts. In the good old days a rich harvest occured every 5 to 8 years....
Teil 631 – Der Garten im Juli I

Teil 631 – Der Garten im Juli I

In the June edition I introduced you to the wonderful rose mallows but forgot to show you the „tropical“ hibiscus that can only survive the winter when kept in house. Having done that now. Let’s concentrate on the animal and plant inhabitants of the...
Teil 630 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 630 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Well, theoretically you are all correct, but practically, the sequence of events was like this: Islay looks up and spots Sander so an ambush is no longer possible. After that Islay walks away to lie down and clean himself. Hence the answer to the question what happens...
Teil 629 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 629 – Montagsrätsel

First the solution to the „Friday riddle“. Karl-Theodor and Sonia, your trust in Joschi is heartwarming but totally unfounded. The solution is in the last picture. I have enlarged the important section that you can see below. I am not sure whether Joschi...
Teil 628 – Oops!

Teil 628 – Oops!

On today’s agenda – a flicker book. As you know Joschi is a big fan of empty snail shells. And as you also know, he is rather slow on the uptake. Today you can watch him playing with a snail shell again. This time he uses both front paws to pick it up and...
Teil 626 – Neue Bewohner

Teil 626 – Neue Bewohner

Initially, I had planned to continue to show you the garden but then we got new neighbours. Well, not exactly next door, but on the „sheep meadow“ which you might remember from this former edition. But this time we are not talking sheep and goats. Last...