Auflösung Weltkatzentag-Rätsel

Auflösung Weltkatzentag-Rätsel

Yesterday’s photo is the last in a series, showing Maxine jumping over the fence from our dustin onto the dustbin of our neighbours in the west. So the answer is b). I have noticed several times, particularly at dusk or at night that her tortie colouring...
Special: Weltkatzentag-Rätsel

Special: Weltkatzentag-Rätsel

Welcome to our world cat day riddle! Could you imagine a life without your pets? I certainly could not! That is why I – for once – do not want to draw your attention to all those cats (and dogs) that live abandoned or in shelters but to those organisations...
Teil 623 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 623 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Thank you, Micki, Susette and Ruth that you had mercy with me (and Sander) and actually got the 5.6 kg right! By Jove, I sincerely hope that I can avoid those 6 kg! As Ruth said, losing those extra pounds/grams is MUCH more difficult (and less pleasant) than gaining...
Teil 622 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 622 – Montagsrätsel

This week I hope that I can publich more than the riddle and its solution! But let’s start the Monday in style. As you know the cats are all weighed on the last Saturday of each month. Last month, I asked you to compare the weights of Isfrid and Mrs. Peel. Today...