Breaking News ++ She is back!

Breaking News ++ She is back!

Famous natural scientist Mrs. M. is safely home! She walked into her yard a few minutes ago. She told the assembled press that she was fit and well but would rather clean herself than giving interviews. Instead, our reporter managed to get hold of forest ranger Jaspar...
Teil 645 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 645 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

islay_2016_09_esche1 islay_2016_09_esche2 islay_2016_09_esche3 islay_2016_09_esche4 islay_2016_09_esche6 islay_2016_09_esche5 islay_2016_09_esche7 To show you properly what happened I need two photo galleries. Above you can see Islay contemplate – and then run...
Teil 644 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 644 – Montagsrätsel

Today you have to guess a sequence of events again. As yet, Islay is sitting quietly next to an ash tree. Question: What will happen next? a) He bends down to nibble at some gras. b) He turns around and marks against the trunk. c) He dahes up the tree. d) He spots...
Teil 643 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 643 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

You are so good! Well done, Martin, Karl-Theodor, Tamara, and Micki! It is indeed a hammock. As you can see it is really roomy and big enough even for Islay. Naturally, Mira made it her new favourite place but the other grown-ups like to lounge there, too –...
Teil 642 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 642 – Montagsrätsel

Today I have something completely different for you. What you see above are the individual parts of a piece of equipment I got for the cats. I have to admit I was pretty flabbergasted when I removed them from the box – and I had seen a picture of it assembled!...
Teil 640 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 640 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

See? That was not sooo difficult after all. Congratulations, Tamara, Micki, Karl-Theodor, Ruth and – Martin! I think Mrs. Peel was relatively easy to see, lying right under the yew – that is that dark big evergreen in the middle, Tamara 😉 Sander was more...
Teil 639 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 639 – Montagsrätsel

This riddle is especially for Martin and so easy that he will have no problems to solve it! 😉 Today, some team members are hanging around the yew tree. Question: How many cats do see? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 —————– Dieses Rätsel ist für...
Teil 638 – Hechel!

Teil 638 – Hechel!

Naturally, this really hot weather in September is totally normal – like winter in March or Tornados in Northern Germany. As you know, cats only have sweat glands in the soles of their feet. So when a tom cat is running around like mad despite the heat, when the...