Special: Halloween 2016

Special: Halloween 2016

Today is not only Halloween, at midnight our search for the Katzenparade Top Model will end. So if you have not yet voted for your favourite picture yet, this is your last chance! The above photo is misleading as we do not have a full moon today but I thought it...
Teil 665 – Mister Congeniality

Teil 665 – Mister Congeniality

There is no denying, Sander is leading in the number of published photos by a mile. So in this first ever Sunday issue I will give Sander minimum coverage and include as many current pics of other team members as possible – to broaden your choice so to speak....
Teil 663 – Ein Geschenk fürs Team

Teil 663 – Ein Geschenk fürs Team

Last Thursday a mysterious parcel arrived. Sander and Mrs. Peel were the first to inspect it but once I had opened it and it became clear what the present was, the experts took over. Isfrid started pushing the mouse around straight away while Marvi lay in ambush to...
Teil 662 – … du Jane

Teil 662 – … du Jane

Actually, we have two Janes: Mrs. Peel and Isfrid. When Mrs. Peel is a proficient climber, Isfrid is Miss Reinhold Messner. Last Sunday when Mrs. P chose the little maple tree in the pond to show off: Look, everbody, I can stand in a tree and lick may paw! Isfrid had...
Teil 661 – Ich Tarzan…

Teil 661 – Ich Tarzan…

Let’s start with a gentle reminder: Have you voted for your favourite cat models of 2016 yet? As you will see I am constantly adding new photos to your list but don’t worry you can nominate as many and as often as you like! Since his first climbing...
Teil 660 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 660 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Only 6 days to go! Don’t forget to nominate your favourite cat photos of 2016! Apart from that, all participants in yesterdays riddle got it right! Well guessed, Karl-Theodor and Micki! Sander has indeed found himself a feather and answer d) is the correct one....
Teil 659 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 659 – Montagsrätsel

Only 1 week to go! Have you decided on your favourite cat photos of 2016 yet? No? Then it is high time you start voting! The team and I are looking forward to your nominations!! Karl-Theodor, you can relax. This Monday’s riddle is not about yet another...
Teil 658 – Lecker vom Bäcker

Teil 658 – Lecker vom Bäcker

What is Germany famous for apart from beer, castles and sausages? Bread! We have the privilege to be able to chose from more than 300 (!) different types of bread. There are bread and bread rolls for every taste baked with a dazzling array of ingredients. Each bakery...
Teil 657 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 657 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Martin, you should have listened to your gut feeling! Now Susette and Sonia are the only ones that got it right. The correct answer is indeed d), Joschi, the fluff ball. Above you can see him marching towards the amphora where he sat down for a brief moment –...