von sybilla | 17. Oktober 2016 | Montagsrätsel |
Doesn’t the amphora looks beautiful? I just had to share my delight with you. As it is Monday, there is also a – what I think really easy to answer – question attached. Question: Who is hiding behind the amphora? a) Nobody b) Islay c) Sander d)...
von sybilla | 14. Oktober 2016 | Spiele, Spielzeug, Verhalten |
Last Saturday I went to visit Paulchen, Sander’s and Mrs. Peel’s brother. As you might recall I had been tempted to keep him as well until I realized that he would be much better off with Erica, Rolf and their grandson Phillip. Like the...
von sybilla | 12. Oktober 2016 | Außen, Verhalten |
All cats are grey by night. Taking literally, I can tell you with authority that the proverb is not true. The fair coats of Isfrid and Joschi are easy to spot in the dark while Jaspar’s black makes him appear like a dark shadow. Sander is more difficult to spot....
von sybilla | 11. Oktober 2016 | Montagsrätsel |
The picture says it all. Who would have thought? None of you – and me neither! When I pointed the camera at the scene I had expected another outcome, too. And what an anti-climax! As Sander does not react at all, Mrs. Peel just gives up her plan. See the whole...
von sybilla | 10. Oktober 2016 | Montagsrätsel |
As you can see, a Mrs. Peel on the warpath is jumping out of the big flower bowl to attack an unaware Sander. Question: What will happen next? a) Nothing. Sander stays put and Mrs. Peel gives up her plan. b) A startled Sander runs away, Mrs. Peel in hot pursuit. c)...
von sybilla | 7. Oktober 2016 | Sonderausgabe
It’s that time of year again! So far I have published 134 blogs in 2016 with my selection of stories and – most importantly – photos. Now, dear readers, it is your turn to nominate your favourite pictures of 2016. According to the math of my system...
von sybilla | 6. Oktober 2016 | Außen, Herbst |
Why is it that every time you need to print out a photo either the ink has run out or the jets of the printer are clogged – or one after the other or both? After a frustrating morning with my colour printer I really enjoy the digital world! See for yourselves...
von sybilla | 5. Oktober 2016 | Außen, Herbst, Sommer |
or the second summer. September surprised us all. No matter what the experts say but from my point of view this was the sunniest, warmest and driest September ever. Our citrus plants have started to bloom again, so have the pomegranate, the bougainvillea and the...
von sybilla | 4. Oktober 2016 | Außen, Sommer |
Gosh! October already and I have not shown you the garden in August yet! Here are the hightlights in short: See that image of Sander sitting on the patio furniture? He is taking shelter from rain! Unlike other parts of Germany we had not seen any significant amount...