von sybilla | 31. Januar 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
A dust devil on a snowy lawn in Germany in January? That answer was of course complete nonsense and naturally none of you fell for it. A twirling leaf happens all the time and that Joschi has a twig in his tail is basically an everyday occurence but in this case the...
von sybilla | 30. Januar 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
We once had an issue with the (translated) title Natural Toys. Todays riddle is about a similar toy that just „happens“ naturally. As you can see above, Mrs. Peel is watching something with rapt attention. Question: What does fascinate her so much? a) A...
von sybilla | 27. Januar 2017 | Gesundheit |
Maxine and Kater give me reason for concern at the moment. Remember beginning of last year? How much weight Maxine gained and how portly she had become (see above)? Well, that has changed during the course of the year. Once, I observed how she took a mouth full of...
von sybilla | 25. Januar 2017 | Außen, Winter |
Quick! Before January is over and I have not even walked you through the December garden yet! Not that there is much to see – apart from cats. And as this is the 700th edition, be prepared for a lot of photos! —- Schnell! Sonst ist der Januar vorbei und...
von sybilla | 24. Januar 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
Congrats, Micki! Sander is our resident rodent! While Isfrid is using her claws to shred everything, Sander also employs his teeth to turn cardboard into confetti. Unfortunately, the best husband of all removed the corpus delicti and I could not take pictures of the...
von sybilla | 23. Januar 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
No, I did not get bunnies again! Unbelievable but true, one member of the team likes gnawing at cardboard boxes. Question: Who is this feline rodent? a) Mira b) Sander c) Isfrid d) Marvi ————– Nein, bei uns sind nicht schon wieder...
von sybilla | 20. Januar 2017 | Außen, Verhalten |
I got a new cat book for Christmas that offers an interesting explanation for something that has baffled me for a long time: Why do cats always try to descend from trees head first? And why do Norwegian Forest Cats are even more determined to do so than...
von sybilla | 18. Januar 2017 | Gesundheit |
In December it was time for Islay’s routine echocardiography but as I could not get an appointment we had to postpone it till this month. Regulars might recall, that after Ice-B died of the hereditary heart disease HMC (short for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), I...
von sybilla | 17. Januar 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
Like last year, Sander is observing Isfrid – in her role as stylite. But even he must admit that there is no space for him on her perch. Please do not be depressed that nobody got it right again – let’s blame it on Blue Monday. I hope your losing...
von sybilla | 16. Januar 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
Today’s riddle is a variation of the one I posted on January, 15th 2016. Different tree, same cat: Sander has spotted someone in „his“ tree. Question: Who is also climbing around the blood blum? a) Mrs. Peel b) Islay c) Isfrid d) Joschi...