Teil 693 – Schwarze Katze von links

Teil 693 – Schwarze Katze von links

Why is a black cat crossing your path a bad omen? That the cat lost her recognition as valued mouse catcher in the dark ages is probably due to the church. As the cat was a revered symbol of pagean gods – e.g. the sledge of Nordic goddess Freya was pulled by...
Teil 692 – Weihnachtsgeschenke

Teil 692 – Weihnachtsgeschenke

The most original Christmas present the team got this year was a box of … (dramatic pause) … paper bags! Now I can keep the cats entertained the whole year round. As expected, they were an instant hit, as was the box they were delivered in. See for...
Teil 691 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 691 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Birthday cat Schmotti is pleased as punch that you thought that she is much younger – which female would not be pleased? Unbelievable but true, Schmotti is in fact a very fit 20! (And cross my heart, no grey hair and wrinkles...
Teil 690 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 690 – Montagsrätsel

Happy New Year! And a belated Happy Birthday to our friend Schmotti! Having your birthday on January, 1st may seem odd to you but when the actual date of birth of a stray cannot even be remotely determined, the vet and/or the staff of the animal shelter will use Jan...