von sybilla | 28. Februar 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
Congratulations to multiple-choice-psychology – and Sonia, Tamara, and Martin! You got it right! Marvi is a hefty 6.2 kg. Her weight loss programme has already started and I am sharing her „before“ images with you in the hope that we will be...
von sybilla | 27. Februar 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
This weekend was marred by another low or – to be more precise – high in my weight reduction efforts. It was end of the month and weighing time. This time it was who Marvi set a new record and reached an all time high. Question: How much does Marvi...
von sybilla | 24. Februar 2017 | Verhalten |
What do cats actually see? I don’t mean what colours they can see or how sharp the image is but whether they are really capable of recognising friends and foes just by vision. I have my doubts. Other cats How often had I observed Jaspar freeze when Ginger came...
von sybilla | 22. Februar 2017 | Außen, Winter |
How do you feel about January? I must admit that I am always glad when that month is over. For my taste it is still too far away from spring and flowers and birds and warmth. So I greet any blooming plant like the hazel with delight. In our part of the world, January...
von sybilla | 21. Februar 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
Is this perfect camouflage or what? Only Karl-Theodor and Tamara got answer c) right. Congratulations to you two! Sander’s ginger fur is an ideal match for the dried orange-brown Thuja leaves. ————– Ist das perfekte Tarnung oder...
von sybilla | 20. Februar 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
Time to use your x-ray eyes (or the zoom)! In above picture you can see a section of evergreen and … that is the question: Who is climbing around in the evergreen? a) Nobody b) Mrs. Peel c) Sander d) Mrs. Peel and Sander ————– Zeit...
von sybilla | 17. Februar 2017 | Gesundheit |
Anal glands – the dog owners amongst you will probably know exactly what this is going to be about because dogs tend to have more problems with these than cats. The anal glands are paired sacs that are located on either side of the anus. Amongst other things,...
von sybilla | 14. Februar 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
Beware of Islay when he has that certain gleam in his eyes – and well done, Karl-Theodor and Martin for getting it right! Mrs. Peel would NEVER dare to attack Marvi and even though Sander likes to chase her, Marvi would not dream of appeasing him. She would much...
von sybilla | 13. Februar 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
As Marvi was to blame for the lack of a Monday Morning Riddle last week, she will feature in today’s. Experienced cat owners (and readers) know that cats use blinking to soothe or defuse a situation. Question: Who does Marvi want to calm down? a) Islay b) Isfrid...
von sybilla | 10. Februar 2017 | Allgemein |
My sincerest apologies, dear readers! Busy or not, so far I have always found the time to post at least your Monday Morning Riddle – until this week. The Monday in question I had to take Marvi to the vet and after that work butted in in a big way. All will be...