von sybilla | 28. März 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
Once again the ones in plain view (Marvi, Islay and Isfrid) are the only „real“ cats (answer a) in this picture. Well spotted, Tamara and Micki! We had the most wonderful two spring days here that you can imagine, I hope you could enjoy a little bit of...
von sybilla | 27. März 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
The weekend was great and today is simply gorgeous! Crystal clear blue skies and the sun is shining as if to win a contest. All plants have charged their turbo boosters. Hight time to look at the tulip patch and what better way to start doing so with a riddle!...
von sybilla | 24. März 2017 | Frühling |
As you now have experience with flip-books, here is Sander’s – rather unique – interpretation of the Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskara. By the way, provided the sun is shining he really does this every day and sometimes even more than once. We are...
von sybilla | 23. März 2017 | Frühling, Wildtiere |
To answer yesterday’s question first: Islay did indeed loose his balance and went down head-first (see above). So well guessed/spotted, Karl-Theodor and Martin! On March, 10th I promised you a special crane edition, as I had the luck to watch a flock (or is it a...
von sybilla | 22. März 2017 | Außen, Frühling |
Remember the ventilator a coal tit chose as place for its nest last year? Islay most certainly has not forgotten. He is already frequenting the window sill which forced me to bring out the window box as I cannot be sure that the bird has not returned yet. I know it is...
von sybilla | 21. März 2017 | Außen, Frühling |
Congratulations, Mara, Merle, Karl-Theodor and Martin! You got it right! Black Carlos is representing Ash Wednesday while a Mrs. Peel sitting in a bed of snowdrops is heralding spring. Once again, if you want to check out the holidays, I have created a page with the...
von sybilla | 20. März 2017 | Sonderausgabe |
A year full of riddles… the Katzenparade calendar 2017! Dear owners of this year’s calendar, you have been really polite. Nobody complained that something vital was missing from the current calendar: the descriptions of the holidays. As the calendar...
von sybilla | 17. März 2017 | Allgemein, Verhalten |
I am not quite done with issue 723’s topic yet: Cat tongue, langue de chat (French), Katzenzungen (German), lingua di gatto (Italian), lenga di gato (Spanish) or língua de gato (Portuguese) are known all around the world. These chocolates do not really look like...
von sybilla | 15. März 2017 | Allgemein, Gesundheit |
Simply put, bionics has the objective to learn from Mother Nature and to copy and translate highly optimized and efficient aspects of fauna and flora into technology. We all know the so-called lotus effect of paints that are self-cleaning by copying the mechanism from...
von sybilla | 14. März 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
Who would have thought that you all could be wrong? And that our fluffball could be a real daredevil? Unbelievable but true, answer d) is right. It took him only a split second to decide and make a dash for Sander – who scarpered. ————...