Teil 781 – Der Garten im Juli, Teil 2

Teil 781 – Der Garten im Juli, Teil 2

July was not only rain. We did have some sunshine, too, and made the most of it. The best husband of all had a particular difficult time trying to catch the sunny days as he is responsible of mowing the lawn. Unfortunately, the tractor broke down at the end of the...
Teil 780 – Sanders neue Kür

Teil 780 – Sanders neue Kür

If I had not planned an issue with Sander already, today he gave me every reason to feature him prominently. Why? Because he „vanished“ this afternoon. But that was not all. It started with a call from our neighbour in the west to tell me that not only...
Teil 778 – Montagsrätsel +

Teil 778 – Montagsrätsel +

As we are hopelessly in arrears I want to combine the Monday Morning Riddle with the last garden pictures of June. I think that works well as the riddle is directly linked to a garden topic that was in the German news that month. This also means, that you, my dear...
Teil 775 – Der Garten im Juni

Teil 775 – Der Garten im Juni

June is rose month. But before we delve deep into the flora of our little hill, let’s try to tackle Monday’s/Tueday’s riddle – again. First, I did not notice that the commentary function was switched off. Then I totally confused you by getting...
Teil 774 – Dienstagsrätsel?

Teil 774 – Dienstagsrätsel?

You did see that there was a question hiding in all that text yesterday? In case you did not, here it is again: Question: In 2016 13.4 Million cats lived in 22% of all German households. According to the German Pet Trade & Industry Association (IVH), how much...
Teil 773 – Nachholbedarf

Teil 773 – Nachholbedarf

Backlog! Thanks to all who emailed me and asked whether anything is wrong. We are just fine – apart from Marvi who I have JUST driven to the vet because there is something stuck in her throat… From a job point of view, this holiday period has turned into...