von sybilla | 28. September 2017 | Außen, Sommer |
Have I told you that I started another vegetable experiment this year? This time I grew tomatoes and peppers in flower pots on the frist floor terrace and in the front yard. The plants in the front yard started really well and produced lots of fruits but then the rain...
von sybilla | 27. September 2017 | Außen, Sommer |
I have a confession to make: I am responsible for the lousy summer and the unsettled weather we had in my part of Germany this year. Last year, I spent hours watering the flower beds. So when simple irrigation systems were on offer at our local Aldi in early spring, I...
von sybilla | 26. September 2017 | Außen, Herbst, Tierschutz |
You are so good! Well done, Susette, Micki, Ruth and Karl-Theodor! The answer really lies in the rings! A racing pigeon always wears two rings. At least in Germany, the phone number of the breeder tends to be present on one of them. When Putti – by the way, I...
von sybilla | 19. September 2017 | Außen, Sonderausgabe |
Special Edition: Will Famous Extreme Athlete End Her Career? The rumours won’t stop. Is racing star Putti van DO planning to end her successful career? Fact is, she moved into luxurious residence „The White Elephant“ on top of the hill. While...
von sybilla | 7. September 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
See? Didn’t I tell you that guessing birds is not so diffcult? Here the main clue is in the size. Compare it to the shingles and you get an idea how small the animal is. See how big Jaspar is in comparison when he is sitting on the same roof? The size issue...
von sybilla | 6. September 2017 | Montagsrätsel |
Have we had a riddle on Wednesday yet? I have to admit that I put this image in front of you with hestiation. But after you all excelled at the caterpillar riddle how difficult can guessing birds be? The bird of prey I captured sitting on the shed in the rain had no...
von sybilla | 1. September 2017 | Außen, Sonderausgabe |
Special Edition: Baffling Development in Theft Case As reported, on July 7th three lilac stoneware bowls myteriously disappeared from the outside dining area of gourmet restaurant „The White Elephant“. Even though the authorities conducted an immediate and...