von sybilla | 6. November 2017 | Herbst |
Sorry! There will be no riddle this week, as I have planned to show you specials of each team member in case you have not nominated your Top 20 cats of 2017 yet. Today is Isfrid’s turn. ———- Entschuldigt, aber heute gibt es kein Montagsrätsel,...
von sybilla | 3. November 2017 | Außen, Herbst |
Autumn is in the air! The flower pots are still outside but we may have the first frosty night coming to our region next week. High time to take a good and long look at the September garden! ————- Herbst ist in der Luft! Die Blumenkübel stehen...
von sybilla | 2. November 2017 | Spiele, Spielzeug, Verhalten |
It seems that is has become a habit to visit Paulchen, Sander’s and Mrs. Peel’s „little“ brother, every October. Like last year, the weather was fine so I could take some nice photos in the garden but at the beginning of my visit a rather...