Teil 677 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 677 – Montagsrätsel

After all the riddles about guessing what is going to happen, I think it is time to test your eagle eyes again. And don’t worry Karl-Theodor, I promise there is no tail involved! 😉 Question: How many cats are climbing around in the yew tree? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4...
Extra Special: 675. Katzenparade

Extra Special: 675. Katzenparade

Dear readers today I do not only want to celebrate the 675th edition but also 4 years of Katzenparade with you! Who would have thought? Certainly not me! And how eventful these 4 years have been: We have learned of things we did not even know existed, fought flees,...
Teil 674 – Öko-Zahnbürste

Teil 674 – Öko-Zahnbürste

What is it that makes the little maple at the pond the ideal toothbrush? It cannot only be the accessibility. Maybe the twigs have just the right consistency? In any case, Mrs. Peel is not the first to use them to clean her teeth. ——— Was macht den...
Teil 673 – Sauwetter

Teil 673 – Sauwetter

Complaining about the weather is a popular German pastime. From frosty and dry we moved to double-digit temperatures and wet. As you know the cats hate wet but they still want to go outside. After all, you could miss something interesting, right? But after a while the...
Teil 672 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 672 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Well, only one of you could be right, couldn’t she? Well done – again – Micki! Sometimes the most obvious guess is the correct one. Islay squeezed himself onto the windowsill because he wanted to get closer to Jaspar, the king of the first floor...
Teil 671 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 671 – Montagsrätsel

My apologies for the lack of issues last week! Work butted in but I had at least a little time on Sunday to select a few photos, so hopefully there will be more blogs this week. By the way, I still have not sorted out all your Katzenparade top model nominations...
Teil 670 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 670 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Well guessed, Micki! You got it! But the story has a twist: Marvi had indeed planned to launch an attack on Joschi and was waiting for him to come around the tree. But then – surprise, surprise! As you can see, she is not very happy to come face to face with...
Teil 669 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 669 – Montagsrätsel

November has to be true to form so far – dark, misty, grey and wet. No wonder that the cats try to make the most of the dry and sunny spells. So here is today’s question: Who does a cocky Marvi wants to attack? a) Sander b) Isfrid c) Joschi d) Islay...