Teil 368 – Corpus Delicti

Teil 368 – Corpus Delicti

Somewhere on the website I wrote that with cats you learn something new every day. You can see the reason why there was no Katzenparade on Friday above. While eating his usual portion of grass, one stalk got stuck so unluckily in Ice-B’s throat that neither...
Teil 363 – Wollpullover im August

Teil 363 – Wollpullover im August

After you had ample time to explore old issues this week, I don’t want you to leave for the weekend (a long bank holiday weekend even in the UK) without a new edition. Here in Germany we are experiencing the first signs of autumn as it is unseasonably cold at...
Teil 362 – Januar 2014 Revisited

Teil 362 – Januar 2014 Revisited

As the voting for the cat top models of 2014 has been really sluggish so far and as there are 1424 images to chose from, I thought it might help if I draw your attention to a couple of my favourites. Let’s start with – what else? – January. As you...
Teil 360 – Groar!

Teil 360 – Groar!

Remember that picture? It was part of a series about playful roughing between Islay and Ice-B. Today, I want you to look at Islay more closely. Doesn’t he look frightening? And it is all play! So how do you (and cats) know when it is serious? First, there is...