von sybilla | 7. November 2014 | Allgemein, Außen, Spiele, Verhalten |
or: This bench is not big enough for both of us. Ruthless Islay M. and his brother and sidekick Isbjörn, aka Ice-B, are now notorious all over the web for their predatory behaviour against females. The tyrants of the back garden have already claimed the climbing ash...
von sybilla | 6. November 2014 | Außen, Herbst, Wetter |
It may already be Thursday but the warm weather we had over the last weekend is still noteworthy. After all we broke another „heat record“ for the beginning of November. While the cats are starting to get their winter fur, the garden is still a mixture of...
von sybilla | 27. Oktober 2014 | Außen, Herbst, Innen, Verhalten |
If the cats had their way they would want all be able to come and go as they please on both sides of the house. The mere thought makes me dizzy! They would chase right through the house and their „presents“ aka mice would no doubt be deposited right on the...
von sybilla | 23. Oktober 2014 | Außen, Gesundheit, Herbst, Verhalten |
Autumn, time of plenty! While the flowers are heading for the finish line the berries and mushrooms are just getting started. It goes beyond saying that the cats are the gourmets mentioned in the headline. Watch restaurant critics Islay and Joschi tasting and...
von sybilla | 22. Oktober 2014 | Außen, Verhalten |
Sometimes the mountain or the tree calls and a cat just has to follow. While others gaze longingly at the peak and have to give up halfway, the successful tree climber is rewarded with breath-taking vistas over his realm. (The descent is less elegant but what the...
von sybilla | 21. Oktober 2014 | Außen, Herbst, Wetter, Wildtiere |
The admirals in the title have of course nothing to do with the navy but are red admirals of the insect variety or Vanessa atalanta in latin. The rather inconspicious blossoms of the ivy have proven to be real butterfly magnets and I could take some really nice...