Teil 328 – Table Dancing

Teil 328 – Table Dancing

To match our low chair and to be able to put the outdoor furniture where it belongs we got ourselves a new, super low table on eBay. It turned into an instant favourite of Marvi’s who is sitting, lounging, jumping and hanging on it off it and under it. In other...
Teil 321 – Ekstase

Teil 321 – Ekstase

The world football championship starts tonight. What do ecstatic football fans need apart from the goals of their favourite team? According to our local newsletter, they require a comfortable supply of beer and barbecue sausages (in packs of 11, of course). And how do...
Teil 320 – Ausgekratzt

Teil 320 – Ausgekratzt

Remember the cardboard scratchpad I bought to distract the cats from shredding my favourite rug? After little more than three months of intensive use by 5 cats (Joschi and Islay favour the vertical scratching devices) it has been scratched out. I have taken a picture...
Teil 318 – Haargummis

Teil 318 – Haargummis

While yesterday’s tunnel or the scratching stem are appropriate cat toys you can trust Mira to chose the most inappropriate ones. Whenever you drop a piece of cling film, a paper clip, a bit of sticky tape or a bottle top you can be sure that Mira will find it...
Teil 317 – Tunnelblick

Teil 317 – Tunnelblick

In the last issues Joschi was at the fringe of things. Time to change that! The good news is that his condition has improved impressively. Actually, after his last blood test, he is not only doing fine but his creatinine (a marker for kidney function) is in the normal...
Teil 316 – Der Kratzstamm

Teil 316 – Der Kratzstamm

Today I can finally show you our new scratching stem in all its glory. As usual, the team was more interested in it lying on the floor than standing upright. As you will see it is really quite substantial – in fact so substantial and heavy that I was not able to...