Teil 285 – Katzengras

Teil 285 – Katzengras

Cats need to eat gras. It is important for them because it helps them to disgorge hairballs. In springtime when cats get rid of their thick winter fur, they all eat gras like herbivores. As Joschi was confined indoors for weeks due to his open head wound, we got him...
Teil 281 – Ruhekissen

Teil 281 – Ruhekissen

This topic has been in the pipeline for a long time but got pushed back again and again due to more dramatic developments. I think now is the time to show you some new and old resting places of the team. I hope you like the photos, even though Joschi’s and...
Teil 261 – Besetzt!

Teil 261 – Besetzt!

This issue will be a short one as Joschi is still poorly and we still do not know what is wrong and why. So while I am dashing to the vet again, you can see how easily cats are pleased. Just offer them somthing to occupy! Keep you fingers crossed for Joschi!...