Teil 618 – Al fresco

Teil 618 – Al fresco

When we had a water emergency in the kitchen a couple of weeks ago, I carried the cats outside onto the terrace for their breakfast kibbles. The little creatures of habit found this very unusual but quite interesting. As you can see in the pictures this turned into a...
Teil 332 – To catch a mouse

Teil 332 – To catch a mouse

We spent an interesting Saturday – hunting for a mouse in the basement. Teeth or not, Ginger has discovered his old hunting skills and is very good at it. Not a week passes without him coming home carrying a mouse. Good for the mice: Thanks to the missing teeth,...
Teil 285 – Katzengras

Teil 285 – Katzengras

Cats need to eat gras. It is important for them because it helps them to disgorge hairballs. In springtime when cats get rid of their thick winter fur, they all eat gras like herbivores. As Joschi was confined indoors for weeks due to his open head wound, we got him...
Teil 235 – Lecker!

Teil 235 – Lecker!

Surely I have mentioned that here everycat is doing everyhting for a treat? So to keep the boys from roughing up the girls too much when they are outside, I had the idea to train them a little. I rattle the treat box and when they come they get something. So far it...
Teil 151 – Joschi im Glas

Teil 151 – Joschi im Glas

Today’s issue deals with a common problem all cat owners know: You cannot leave anything remotely connected with food in the open. This will only attract either cats or – in summer – flies (in case you have not seen it for a while, watch the Simon’s cat...
Teil 148 – Bossy

Teil 148 – Bossy

Having so many cats means having to cope with different „eating behaviours“. E.g. Marvi inhales food like a vacuum cleaner while Joschi sniffs every portion like he expects to find poison. ——— Kleine Kätzchen werden mehrmals am Tag mit...