von sybilla | 26. Juni 2014 | Allgemein, Gesundheit, Körper, Verhalten |
I cannot believe it! 300+ issues where we discussed every aspect of the cat but totally forgot the tail. Quite unforgivable! True, I talked about its important role as balancing pole and steering feature but the tail is so much more. You can read your cat’s...
von sybilla | 5. Juni 2014 | Allgemein, Ausstattung, Gesundheit |
In the last issues Joschi was at the fringe of things. Time to change that! The good news is that his condition has improved impressively. Actually, after his last blood test, he is not only doing fine but his creatinine (a marker for kidney function) is in the normal...
von sybilla | 2. Juni 2014 | Allgemein, Außen, Gesundheit, Körper, Sommer |
Today I have another picture story for you. We have talked about fur at various occasions: fur colours, fur care and also what to do when fur turns into felt. There is one aspect I have forgotten to mention so far. Maybe because it is so obvious? After all animal...
von sybilla | 15. Mai 2014 | Allgemein, Gesundheit, Katzenkinder, Verhalten |
On the occasion of Mira’s and Marvi’s birthdays we wonder every year who might have been their mother. Maybe the answer to this question is more obvious than we thought. We always assumed that the mother was a black and white cat that was observed farther...
von sybilla | 12. Mai 2014 | Allgemein, Gesundheit, Sonderausgabe |
Three is a magic number. This special issue is dedicated to the number 3. Not only do we celebrate 3×100 issues of the Katzenparade, 3×3 cats are now living with us, the Is have been a litter of 3 and last but not least there is Marvi, who happily bounces...
von sybilla | 5. Mai 2014 | Gesundheit, Sonderausgabe |
At the moment things come thick and fast again. Originally, I had planned to take you to our customary stroll through the spring garden but this weekend Jaspar kept us on our toes – and so far we have not been able to fix his current problem. There is no denying:...