von sybilla | 18. April 2017 | Außen, Innen, Montagsrätsel |
What must you think of me? No issues, no Easter greetings, no word from us for over a week! But after 8 frantic days, order is restored – for the time being. First, I still owe you the answer to the riddle from April, 10th. Congratulations to Karl-Theodor and...
von sybilla | 1. Februar 2017 | Innen, Wetter, Winter |
Now it is official, this January was the coldest since 1987. I will show you in detail how the garden on our little hill looked like in January in upcoming issues. As it was so much colder than last year, the cats still liked the great outdoors but they enjoyed even...
von sybilla | 14. Dezember 2016 | Gesundheit, Innen, Verhalten |
When your cats live indoors only, they should ideally have access to your whole flat – even your bedroom. Try snuggling up with your cat and you will see that this is an experience not to be missed. With the whole apartment or house at the cats‘ disposal...
von sybilla | 28. Oktober 2016 | Innen, Spiele |
Last Thursday a mysterious parcel arrived. Sander and Mrs. Peel were the first to inspect it but once I had opened it and it became clear what the present was, the experts took over. Isfrid started pushing the mouse around straight away while Marvi lay in ambush to...
von sybilla | 28. April 2016 | Innen |
Would you believe it after what you have seen yesterday, that Sander does in fact need a lot of persuasion to go outside? Once he is out in the garden, everything is fine. Sometimes he is even one of the last ones to come back in again but stepping over that threshold...
von sybilla | 27. Januar 2016 | Ausstattung, Innen, Verhalten |
No, above you don’t see a stray Monday Morning Riddle. We are talking equipment today. Even I have limits where the costs of cat accessories are concerned. Though I dearly love the wonderful cardboard cat furniture made by cat-on, I am not prepared to pay more...