von sybilla | 13. Mai 2014 | Innen, Sonderausgabe, Spiele |
Today our resident toys testers Mira and Marvi try out another activity/intelligence toy for you. In front, this one is the most demanding one yet, a real challenge to the grey cells. It is not called Trixie Cat Activity Brain Mover in vain. There are four different...
von sybilla | 15. April 2014 | Ausstattung, Innen, Spiele, Spielzeug |
While the others enjoy the great outdoors Mira is more reluctant than ever to leave the house. So I have to keep her busy. One of her favourite toys is a little red nub ball that when thrown bounces all over the place so one cannot tell in advance where it would go....
von sybilla | 5. März 2014 | Außen, Ausstattung, Innen |
This issue will be a short one as Joschi is still poorly and we still do not know what is wrong and why. So while I am dashing to the vet again, you can see how easily cats are pleased. Just offer them somthing to occupy! Keep you fingers crossed for Joschi!...
von sybilla | 4. März 2014 | Außen, Ausstattung, Innen |
Cats just love to climb. In a lot of issues you have been able to witness that nothing is safe from the team – neither the big ash nor the evergreens and not even the shrubbery. Sometimes they just enjoy running up and down a big tree trunk. In contrast to our...
von sybilla | 3. März 2014 | Ausstattung, Innen |
My weekend did not go according to plan. An emergency visit to the vet with Joschi spoiled a beautiful Sunday. He caught an infection and fussy eater that he is has not eaten at all so I had to resort to special food. I will keep you posted! Because of this disruption...
von sybilla | 21. Februar 2014 | Ausstattung, Innen |
What to do when the cat is using the carpets for scratching? After all it is impossible to protect every rug by covering it or by using a deterrent. The easiest solution would be offering an alternative that the cats like even more than any fluffy floor cover. On the...