Teil 243 – Housekeeping!

Teil 243 – Housekeeping!

One important aspect of living with cats has been missing from the Katzenparade so far. Maybe I did not want to bother the non-cat owners with the dirty details? Should you be wondering what the heck this is all about – today we are talking kitty litter, litter...
Teil 242 – Snooze

Teil 242 – Snooze

In some cases the following images may cause side effects like drowsiness, fatigue and sleepiness. Please be prepared and have a cup of tea or coffee handy (and a biscuit or chocolate to raise the blood sugar level and spirits). Actually, I only wanted to give you an...
Teil 241 – Lagerkoller

Teil 241 – Lagerkoller

Just a week ago I had to confess that I cut Ice-B’s skin instead of his matted fur. Though his wound is healing fabulously, you can see on the pictures that his body stocking needs regular replacing as it is too thin to withstand licking and scratching for more...
Teil 238 – Das nicht mehr so neue Büro

Teil 238 – Das nicht mehr so neue Büro

First an update on our little patient who kept me so busy yesterday that I had no time to write: After he got rid of his collar twice my vet came up with this very fetching and highly appropriate catsuit. When taking that picture of him sitting on the laser printer I...