Teil 663 – Ein Geschenk fürs Team

Teil 663 – Ein Geschenk fürs Team

Last Thursday a mysterious parcel arrived. Sander and Mrs. Peel were the first to inspect it but once I had opened it and it became clear what the present was, the experts took over. Isfrid started pushing the mouse around straight away while Marvi lay in ambush to...
Teil 633 – Der Schuhfetischist

Teil 633 – Der Schuhfetischist

Not only dogs like shoes. Islay adores them! He simply cannot get enough of the smell (like Otto in „A Fish Called Wanda“ – who remembers?) and he loves to scratch them inside and out. (He particularly likes to use the insoles as scratching boards.)...
Teil 628 – Oops!

Teil 628 – Oops!

On today’s agenda – a flicker book. As you know Joschi is a big fan of empty snail shells. And as you also know, he is rather slow on the uptake. Today you can watch him playing with a snail shell again. This time he uses both front paws to pick it up and...
Teil 444 – Weiberfasnacht

Teil 444 – Weiberfasnacht

I had to google why today is called Fat Thursday – apparently the last Thursday before Lent is a day of indulgence into special sweet treats before Lent, the time of fasting. In the German regions where carnival is celebrated this Thursday is the day where the...