von sybilla | 5. November 2015 | Außen, Verhalten |
It is always hard for parents to realise that their child may be the cutest and friendlist but not the most intelligent. While Mrs. Peel has learned that beeches are no good for climbing and how to get down relatively safely, Sander seems to be immune to experience....
von sybilla | 28. Oktober 2015 | Allgemein, Außen, Verhalten, Wildtiere |
Since Ice-B has left us to hunt on the other side of the rainbow bridge, the moles in our garden have done their best to reclaim their territory. It is high time to fill the vacancy and look for a new mole expert. But who will step forward? The only applicant so far...
von sybilla | 20. Oktober 2015 | Katzenkinder, Verhalten |
Welcome to our training series! Naturally, the kittens have a lot to learn but there are also vacancies to fill. Here is lesson 1: A scratching post is to cats what an indoor climbing wall is to a free climber: a safe place to practice. When you are confronted with...
von sybilla | 6. Oktober 2015 | Herbst, Katzenkinder, Verhalten |
My job is intruding big time this year. I have even problems to meet the „weekly post promise“. So at least a few pics today! We had the most wonderful autumn weather last weekend! So perfect for more kitten outings. Yet without their surrogate mummy they...
von sybilla | 28. September 2015 | Katzenkinder, Verhalten |
Be prepared for a lot of pictures! Originally the second issue of my cardboard cat houses series would have been on the agenda today but last weekend was an important one for the kittens: On Saturday they were weighed on the big scale for the first time – Sander...
von sybilla | 17. September 2015 | Katzenkinder, Verhalten |
Apart from yesterday’s equipment, what does a kitten need? Someone to play with! Ideally a feline friend or two because contrary to common belief, most cats are not solitary animals. Okay, there are always exceptions. Like Mira who could well do without the...