Teil 339 – Nektar

Teil 339 – Nektar

It has been raining without interruption for nearly two solid days now. There is no end in sight and the outdoor life has come to a complete standstill. Even though I feel for the cats, I can do without insects for a few days. Rain means no insects, particularly...
Teil 302 – Geduld

Teil 302 – Geduld

Our record number of new molehills that appeared over night stands at 35. When one of our suppliers noticed the many molehills we used to have before we moved in, he said that he had no more moles since he had his cat. His dog had been totally useless as a mole...
Teil 290 – Obsoleszenz

Teil 290 – Obsoleszenz

Obsolescence is the term used when things age and break before their time. Did you know that it is technically possible to produce nylon stockings and light bulbs that could last forever? But then, what would happen to business? I don’t know whether the water...