Teil 251 – Das Vogelrevier

Teil 251 – Das Vogelrevier

Sorry for being late! I had to take Ginger to his routine check-up and decided to start de-matting Islay and Ice-B. While the three were waiting for me to get the car ready, Jaspar looked out of his living room. I just had to take that picture! But it goes well with...
Teil 191 – Krötenjagd

Teil 191 – Krötenjagd

Of course the title „toad hunt“ turns out half as bad as it sounds. First I am hunting for baby toads and frogs that mysteriously find their way in our basement to set them free outside and then the cats hunt for the grown up variety though the amphibians...
Teil 172 – Insekten

Teil 172 – Insekten

This is a butterfly issue and as you can see they prove to be quite resilient. ———- In dieser Ausgabe geht es um Schmetterlinge. Dass die Katzen alles lieben (und jagen), was da so fliegt, ist ja hinlänglich bekannt. Ergo sind im Sommer...