von sybilla | 17. März 2017 | Allgemein, Verhalten |
I am not quite done with issue 723’s topic yet: Cat tongue, langue de chat (French), Katzenzungen (German), lingua di gatto (Italian), lenga di gato (Spanish) or língua de gato (Portuguese) are known all around the world. These chocolates do not really look like...
von sybilla | 2. Dezember 2016 | Herbst, Verhalten, Wetter, Winter |
As mentioned before, Sander is a fair weather cat. So far I have found out that he does not like rain – no surprise there – but he does not like cold either. I find this rather interesting because fur, particularly dark fur, only needs a little bit of...
von sybilla | 16. November 2016 | Herbst, Verhalten, Wetter |
Complaining about the weather is a popular German pastime. From frosty and dry we moved to double-digit temperatures and wet. As you know the cats hate wet but they still want to go outside. After all, you could miss something interesting, right? But after a while the...
von sybilla | 4. November 2016 | Außen, Herbst, Verhalten |
How you know that winter is on the way? There are several obvious indicators that we are approaching the fourth season: 1. Everybody eats even more than usual. 2. Joschi prefers to stay indoors longer while Marvi wants to come in again after 5 minutes. 3. Even...
von sybilla | 30. Oktober 2016 | Herbst, Verhalten |
There is no denying, Sander is leading in the number of published photos by a mile. So in this first ever Sunday issue I will give Sander minimum coverage and include as many current pics of other team members as possible – to broaden your choice so to speak....