Teil 457 – Pause-Taste

Teil 457 – Pause-Taste

Of course we are looking forward to all the blooming trees and flowers in April and May, of course it is warmer as well but our favourite month of the garden year is March: There is so much promise in the air and in the earth! It also gets lighter every day...
Teil 447 – Die Vögel

Teil 447 – Die Vögel

Admit it, you did think about Hitchcock’s classic and flocks of seagulls and ravens, didn’t you? So when you are expecting masses of dark feathered birds I have to disappoint you. Firstly, I can only offer crows and secondly – and to my surprise...
Teil 446 – Frühling?!

Teil 446 – Frühling?!

Can cranes be wrong? The best husband of all was certain that he observed cranes flying north the week before last but unfortunately he did not have a camera with him. Last Friday I was luckier. I caught them late afternoon when they were using the up wind on the hill...
Teil 443 – Ein Evergreen oder zwei

Teil 443 – Ein Evergreen oder zwei

Apart from a lot of rain this winter has been kind to us here in the west of Germany. Everything else has come in moderation – we had a little snow, a little frost and a little sunshine. Let’s hope it stays like this and we can see the first snow drops and...