Teil 327 – Sommergarten I

Teil 327 – Sommergarten I

What are those nice red beetles doing? They are working on the destruction of my lilies. They are scarlet lily beetles and they are the most common garden pest destroying lilies in Europe. If you have not seen any of them you most certainly don’t have any...
Teil 319 – Rosen und Unwetter

Teil 319 – Rosen und Unwetter

We have been lucky. The storm hit aus with full force at about 21:45 h on Monday night. After a dramatic build-up – it got pitch black within half an hour – the worst thunderstorm since Kryrill in 2007 raged for over an hour with strong winds, rain,...
Teil 310 – Es grünt so grün

Teil 310 – Es grünt so grün

Summer can come. We are ready: The patio furniture is in place, the plants and pots are in position and even some old favourite toys are back, albeit a little faded. As I had human help, everything went quickly and smoothly. And the only thing the cats needed to do is...
Teil 296 – Frühlingsgarten I

Teil 296 – Frühlingsgarten I

Let’s go on our usual garden tour! As I have already sent you a photo of the mayfly here is another herald of spring – lilys of the valley. The rather artistic photo above happened by accident while I fiddled with the knobs on my camera. You will find the...