Teil 193 – Frühherbst I

Teil 193 – Frühherbst I

Apart from roses, hydrangea and hibiscus are very prominent in our garden. So were tomatoes this year. I will definitely not grow and plant so many next year! So have a look at flora and fauna in September. ———- Bevor es in dieser etwas...
Teil 184 – Lampen, die 2.

Teil 184 – Lampen, die 2.

Do you remember the „magic mushrooms“, the lamps (and their boxes) the cats were so interested in? We found that they did not light the garden enough and my husband had a new idea and tried a different approach: indirect lighting. (We found that that does...
Teil 180 – Prowling

Teil 180 – Prowling

This issue is about prowling – something only a cat can do with style! ———— Beim Pferd unterscheidet man ja unterschiedliche Gangarten: Schritt, Trab, Galopp usw. Die genannten drei Gangarten findet man bei der Katze auch, aber dann gibt es da...
Teil 179 – Jaspars Welt

Teil 179 – Jaspars Welt

You might have noticed that we have two „gardens“. There is the driveway and parking area with the shed and two stretches of lawn (and Jaspar) at the front and then there is the „real“, fenced-in garden (with the MI5 and Joschi) at the back. As...