von sybilla | 21. Juli 2016 | Außen, Ausstattung, Futter, Sommer |
When we had a water emergency in the kitchen a couple of weeks ago, I carried the cats outside onto the terrace for their breakfast kibbles. The little creatures of habit found this very unusual but quite interesting. As you can see in the pictures this turned into a...
von sybilla | 15. Juli 2016 | Außen, Sommer |
In June I had to stock up on new potted plants as some old favourites did not make it through the winter. I do love hibiscus (hibiscus rosa-sinensis) so much but I have to face facts. They will not survive a winter in the shed. (I would have bet that the bougainvillea...
von sybilla | 14. Juli 2016 | Außen, Sommer |
This spring and summer I have really neglected the garden. So many flowers that enjoyed us are already gone – good that I took pictures! The mild winter, the following heat and all that rain had a strange effect on the different plants. While for the first time...
von sybilla | 25. Mai 2016 | Außen |
Dear Ruth, this issue is for you. Too long ago, when we were talking about watering the back of the garden you told me about a special garden hose you had seen on a shopping channel. The hose looks all small and crinkly without water but magically unfolds to double...
von sybilla | 29. April 2016 | Außen, Frühling, Naturschutz, Wildtiere |
This last issue of the month will not feature any cats. So if you were looking for kitty pics you are wasting your time. We are talking birds today. First I promised you an update on „my“ woodpigeon. On closer inspection the injuries sustained to the beek,...